• accepted to SIGGRAPH 2008!
  • nominated for the Bitfilm Awards 2008
  • featured on cartoonBrew, motionographer, drawn.ca, and BoingBoingTV
  • Crackle WetPaint contest finalist
  • featured in April 2008 3D World magazine
  • Feb 2008: Goobees finally completed

Candy canes glisten, green frosted hills sparkle, and battered steel weapons glint in the setting sun. Tensions flare on both sides of the battlefield. Gumdrops glare with hatred at the Chocolates. Chocolates wait with confidence, eager to slaughter their opponent. High above in the crimson sky candy corn vultures circle in anticipation of the devastation to come. On a far away hill bright white eyes wait. They wait…

click to watch "Goobees" now